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Imagine if you could turn your plant obsession into an effective coping tool for combatting stress, anxiety, and to deal with the highs and lows that come with big emotions. Perhaps you've already found the healing powers of houseplants and you want to level up your mindfulness game? 


Discover the changes that occur when we combine house plants and therapy (yes, plant therapy is a real thing), using evidence-based techniques from Horticultural Therapy (HT) & Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Join us for a Plant Sit Meditation Night, which will be beneficial to those who are brand new to mindfulness and those who are more advanced in practice. 


Plant Sit Meditations are powerful tools for managing stress in your life by improving your overall wellbeing and decreasing your anxiety. This upcoming gathering is facilitated by Kristen Shuler, LCSW, who specializes in working with Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) and plant lovers who want to connect more with their hobbies and manage those big emotions that can keep us on edge and create a barrier to doing the things that we want to accomplish in life. 


Our meditation nights are held in our indoor therapeutic greenspace in Springfield, MO. 


Connect with yourself & others in this low-key setting as Kristen guides you through key concepts and tools to mindfully observe beautiful tropical plants during mindfulness practice. Learn to identify and label emotions as they arise within you, without attachment to the feeling. Learning these skills is key to beginning to regulate your distressing emotions as they arise. 


You will be provided with a therapy plant to use during the practice, a yoga mat, a blanket, and comfy props or feel free to bring your own mat & blanket if you prefer. 


You will walk-away with a renewed sense of hope, a calm central nervous system, and tools to begin to incorporate into your daily life. 


This event will be held on 2/25/24 from 7:00pm-8:30pm at DBT Ozarks, in Central Springfield, MO. Space is limited to enhance the experience, so please be sure to register ahead. Details will be sent out following registration. 

Plant Sit Meditation February

SKU: PlantZenFeb24
  • All sales are final. You will not be reimbursed if you cannot make it to the event. Tickets for this event are not transferrable to another person or event date. 

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